glam goss

A beauty blog, by Glamour Room owner, Krystal Prince

the magic of masking.
Krystal Prince Krystal Prince

the magic of masking.

Masking: The skincare term for using a face mask and a trend that you’ll have no doubt come across on social media. It is a fun and beneficial way to treat the skin and is fast becoming a step in our skincare that shouldn’t be missed.

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make-up meditation.
Krystal Prince Krystal Prince

make-up meditation.

Mediation doesn’t appeal to everyone, traditionally associated with sitting cross-legged on the floor of a clean, white, airy bedroom with candles lit and plinky-plonky music in the background burning sage - or whatever the new modern ritual is!

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healthy hands.
Krystal Prince Krystal Prince

healthy hands.

You may automatically focus on looking after the skin on the face, around the eyes, down the neck and décolleté but have you thought about your hands lately?

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Krystal Prince Krystal Prince


With a rise of a now common term ‘maskne’ being searched for on Google and on social media - I share with you what this is and advice on how to control mask-induced acne.

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the power of touch.
Krystal Prince Krystal Prince

the power of touch.

Touch is thought by many professionals to be the first sense that humans develop and if you look at a newborn baby that makes sense.

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Krystal Prince Krystal Prince


Chemical face peels - no need to run a mile!

While the terms peel and acids sound slightly scary, they are actually seriously effective skincare solutions for a whole host of common concerns.

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man in the mirror.
Krystal Prince Krystal Prince

man in the mirror.

From the depths of ‘Brotox’ to the modern Male ‘MANicures’ – bolting on a manly prefix onto these ladies-only treatments are attracting the attention of many men.

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beat the blues.
Krystal Prince Krystal Prince

beat the blues.

Why being bombarded by the beauty messages of social media is so bad for us all in all sorts of ways.

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